Open Educational Resources: A Guide for University Students

As a university student, you understand the importance of having access to high-quality academic resources and materials. However, acquiring the necessary textbooks and other learning tools can often be a burden on your already tight budget. This is where open educational resources (OER) come in handy. In this post, we will explore the benefits of OER and introduce you to some valuable academic resources and digital materials that cater specifically to university students.

Introduction to Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources, or OER, refers to any educational materials that are openly available for anyone to use, adapt, and share. They include textbooks, lecture notes, syllabi, videos, and more. What sets OER apart from traditional educational resources is that they are free to access, and in many cases, openly licensed. This means that not only can you access these resources for free, but you also have the freedom to modify and customize them according to your specific learning needs.

The Benefits of Open Educational Resources for University Students

  1. Cost-Effective: One of the primary benefits of OER for university students is their cost-effectiveness. By utilizing open educational resources, you can significantly reduce or eliminate the expenses associated with purchasing textbooks and other required materials. This can make a significant difference, especially for those on tight budgets.

  2. Accessibility: Accessibility is another major advantage of OER. Unlike traditional textbooks that may be available only in limited quantities or in specific locations, open educational resources are available to anyone with an internet connection. This means that regardless of where you study or what program you are enrolled in, you can easily access a wealth of educational materials to support your learning.

  3. Customizability: Open educational resources provide university students with the freedom to customize their learning experience. Whether it’s adding additional content, rearranging chapters, or adapting the resources to suit different learning styles, OER allows you to tailor the material to your specific needs. This personalization can significantly enhance your learning and comprehension.

  4. Variety of Formats: OER offers a wide range of formats to cater to different learning preferences. Whether you prefer reading textbooks online, watching video lectures, or engaging with interactive simulations, you are likely to find resources that suit your preferred learning style. This variety promotes engagement and ensures that you can find resources that resonate with you.

Valuable OER for University Students

Now that we have covered the benefits of open educational resources, let’s explore some valuable OER options tailored specifically for university students:

  1. OpenStax: OpenStax is a nonprofit organization that offers free, peer-reviewed textbooks in various subjects. Their textbooks are created by experts and are designed to be easily downloadable and customizable. You can find textbooks in subjects like biology, chemistry, mathematics, and more, making OpenStax an excellent resource for university students.

  2. MIT OpenCourseWare: MIT OpenCourseWare provides access to the course materials used by MIT professors. You can access lecture notes, assignments, exams, and even video lectures from a wide range of courses. Whether you’re studying computer science or Shakespearean literature, this resource offers valuable supplementary materials to support your learning.

  3. Coursera: While Coursera is primarily known for its paid online courses, it also offers a wide range of free courses from universities worldwide. You can access lecture videos, readings, and assignments for various subjects. While you may not receive university credit for these courses, they provide an excellent opportunity to supplement your studies and explore new areas of interest.

  4. Open Educational Resource Commons (OERC): OERC is a digital library of OER resources contributed by educators and organizations worldwide. Their vast collection includes textbooks, videos, tutorials, and more, covering a wide array of subjects. You can search for resources based on your specific needs and find valuable materials to support your university studies.


Open educational resources offer numerous benefits to university students, including cost-effectiveness, accessibility, customizability, and a variety of formats. By utilizing OER, you can access high-quality educational materials without breaking the bank. From platforms like OpenStax and MIT OpenCourseWare to resources like Coursera and OERC, the options available to you are vast. Explore these resources, make the most of the wealth of knowledge they provide, and enhance your learning experience as a university student.

Remember, open educational resources are more than just free materials; they are an opportunity to actively take charge of your education and tailor it to your unique needs. So why not leverage the power of OER and unlock a world of knowledge at your fingertips?