Open Educational Resources (OER): Cost-effective and Accessible Learning Tools for University Students

In today’s digital age, the cost of education can be a significant burden for university students. From expensive textbooks to costly online subscriptions, it’s no wonder that students are seeking more affordable options for their learning materials. Thankfully, open educational resources (OER) have emerged as a valuable solution, providing students with easily accessible and cost-effective academic resources. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of OER and present some valuable digital materials to aid university students in their educational journey.

Introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open educational resources refer to educational materials that are freely available for anyone to use, modify, and share. These resources can include textbooks, lectures, course materials, assignments, and more. What sets OER apart is that they are typically shared under licenses allowing for reuse, revision, and redistribution, empowering students with more control over their educational experience.

Cost-effectiveness of OER

One of the most significant advantages of utilizing OER is the significant cost savings it offers to university students. Traditional textbooks can cost a small fortune, often exceeding hundreds of dollars per semester. On the other hand, OER provides students with free or low-cost alternatives that can result in substantial savings.

Digital textbooks are a prime example of cost-effective OER. Many websites, such as OpenStax and Project Gutenberg, offer a vast collection of free and open textbooks across various subjects. These resources are not only accessible but also undergo regular updates, ensuring that students have access to the latest content without additional expenses.

Accessibility of OER

Accessibility is another crucial aspect of OER that caters to the diverse needs of university students. OER materials are available online, enabling students to access them anytime and anywhere with an internet connection. This convenience empowers students to study at their own pace, enhancing their learning experience.

Moreover, OER resources support different learning styles and preferences. With a wide range of formats available, such as text, audio, video, and interactive elements, students can choose the format that best suits their learning needs. For example, visually impaired students can benefit from open textbooks that include text-to-speech functionality, making their learning experience more inclusive.

Valuable OER for University Students

Now that we have explored the benefits of OER, let’s introduce some valuable OER for university students across different disciplines.

1. MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare offers a vast array of free online courses covering various subjects. These courses include lecture notes, videos, assignments, and exams, providing students with a comprehensive educational experience. Whether you’re interested in computer science, engineering, humanities, or social sciences, MIT OpenCourseWare has something for everyone.

2. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a popular platform that offers free educational resources in the form of videos and exercises. It covers a wide range of subjects, including math, science, arts, and humanities. The platform also provides personalized learning opportunities, allowing students to track their progress and focus on areas where they need improvement.


MERLOT is an online community with an extensive collection of free and open educational resources. It offers a variety of materials, including textbooks, simulations, case studies, and learning exercises, covering a wide range of academic disciplines. MERLOT also encourages user contributions, creating a collaborative and dynamic learning environment.


Open educational resources have revolutionized the way university students access and engage with educational materials. With their cost-effectiveness and accessibility, OER has become an invaluable tool for students seeking affordable and flexible learning solutions. By leveraging platforms like MIT OpenCourseWare, Khan Academy, and MERLOT, students can enhance their educational journey without breaking the bank. So, embrace the power of OER and unlock a world of knowledge at your fingertips.

Remember, education should be inclusive and accessible to all – open educational resources make that possible.